I think part of the reason I became an artist is I like to play. I don't want to go to work and dredge through my day. I don't find that rewarding in the least (although, I will say this is a personal opinion, and I HAVE played with the idea of other jobs). In any event, I like to create.
Let's go back to September, 2012. I was getting over an illness. I was depressed. I was lonely. I was stuck.
Then, I went to Bryce Canyon and Zion.
This trip changed my whole life. Not only did I make friends that I will treasure forever, but it taught me about pushing yourself, even when you are out of shape (I used to run everyday, and so now when I'm physical and it's hard, sometimes I give up because it used to be easy). It taught me about how much I love raw nature, and raw conditions (who knew I liked freezing to death?).
When I got home, I looked at the pictures I had taken. I was horrified. "TOURIST TRASH!!!" I proclaimed, and never looked at them again, after posting the obligatory facebook photos that my friends needed.
Fast-forward to March 9, 2013. I need new images to work with, but I can't go out that day. I look in my computer... and find the Bryce and Zion pictures.
Yeah, some of them are Tourist Trash. You can't get away from it. But being away from the actual thing, and comparing the Real Thing to my photography... it made a world of difference.
Here are three in series; more to come.