Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holga madness!

I love my holga so, so, so much.

The Jungle Cruise, Coney Island Shrubbery, Queens Zoo, Coney Island

Panoramas and a Bird series

More Color Pinholes

More Thesis

Current Statement:
When I began this project, I admit that I was more driven by the subject matter than an underlying idea. My eventual goal is to become a wildlife photographer (or something to that effect), and I thought a series on wild animals (even at a zoo), would be a solid first step in that direction. I've researched the animals that I was especially interested in (mostly the mammals), and stayed for hours at those exhibits, just like a one would have to do if they were shooting animals in a natural habitat.

As I've continued going to the different zoos week after week, I'm starting to realize that this is nothing like wildlife photography. These animals have a completely different relationship with humans than wild animals do. Some avoid the glass walls, well aware that there are thousands of spectators, most of which look for a few seconds and then move on. Other animals are hams, and love the sounds of an awed crowd as they get closer to them.

I grew up in California with zoos like the San Diego Zoo (and so on), and I don't think I ever considered that zoos can be sad. I'm not even sure what the saddest part is; that we need to capture these animals in order to educate people, the way some behavior is changed in such a setting, or that people look for two seconds and move on (as though they really are a freak show).

I want to build a connection that is genuine and sympathetic. I want the viewer to look at these animals and empathize with them.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Senior Thesis, perhaps

Beginning images for thesis, taken at Prospect park.

Holga at Disneyland, summer 2008. Thank you Columbia, and Jungle Cruise Hippo (not Bessie, unfortunately).

Thursday, May 8, 2008


4x5 is such... a pain in the butt. I love it, it's gorgeous, it's fun, but it is a PAIN in the butt.

4x5 camera's make you feel like a painter though, seeing your image on the glass plate like that.

More Pinholes!

I've really fallen in love with the pinhole. There isn't anything like it. It really opens up the world and makes you look at it in a different perspective.

It also made me fall in love with photography all over again.

Monday, April 7, 2008


So after many years at sites like deviantart and livejournal, I'd like to have a blog dedicated to the pains and thrills of being a photographer, and a visual artist.

I'm being a little snide, but in all seriousness I promise to never get you down with my boring day to day stuff, or even my creative writing. 

Because I'm a traditonal sort of girl, I'd like to start this journal with some pinholes. Enjoy!